Zhoushan Port


The ‘golden key’ of Rigital Reform has helped the Rapid Growth of Bonded Fuel Oil Supply in Zhoushan


  At the press conference on major application achievements of digital reform in Zhejiang Province held yesterday afternoon, Hua Wei, Deputy Secretary of Zhoushan Municipal Party Committee,introduced the experience of Zhoushan in promoting reform and innovation by using digital thinking, starting with the world's first bonded bunker fuel oil intelligent dispatching system built by Zhoushan.

  "Zhoushan area is the earliest area of (China (zhejiang) Pilot Free Trade Zone, focusing on building the whole oil and gas industry chain. How can Zhoushan area help promote the better development of the whole oil and gas industry chain with the help of digital reform?"

  In response to reporters' questions at the press conference, Hua Wei said: "the free trade zone is the highland of China's reform and opening up,Chinese President Xi Jinping required clearly that the free trade zone should compare with the highest standards, find weaknesses, boldly try, boldly break through and change independently. The main task entrusted by the State Council to Zhejiang free trade zone is to carry out reform and exploration around the whole oil and gas industry chain, including the construction of fuel oil bunkering center in Northeast Asia. After combing Zhoushan, it is found that there are still some weaknesses in these fields. The ‘digital reform’ is the ‘golden key’ to solve these weaknesses.

  Actively Exploring the "Golden Key" of Digital Reform came into Being

  Since the start of the construction of bonded fuel oil bunkering center, Zhoushan offshore bunkering base has been gradually improved, and the oil supply has increased rapidly, ranking first in China for the first time in 2018. However, with the increasing influence of "Zhoushan fuel supply" brand, the problems of shortage of anchorage resources and low docking efficiency of customs clearance data have become prominent. 

  According to Hua Wei, for a long time, there has been a problem of “having market demand, however service function is still a little bit of weak" in Zhoushan fuel oil bunkering. In order to solve this problem, Zhoushan adheres to the problem orientation and comprehensively combs the problems and reform demands of fuel oil bunkering: low field coordination efficiency, cumbersome approval process, long inspection time, high regulatory risk and non-standard measurement. Finally, with Zhoushan's active exploration of digital reform, this "golden key" to solve the long-term problem of fuel oil bunkering came into being.

  In October 2020, Zhoushan bonded bunker fuel oil intelligent dispatching and comprehensive service system was officially launched. The system is the first information system in the world to improve the use efficiency of anchorage and strengthen the guarantee of elements in all links of boned fuel oil supply business. It has six functions: system interconnection, intelligent queuing, rapid early warning, data mining, global coverage and experience evaluation. It provides full process, all-round and all-weather services for shipowners, oil suppliers, barges, agents, warehouses and other entities.

  Under the digital empowerment, the bonded fuel oil supply of Zhoushan will continue to grow rapidly in 2020, with an annual oil supply of 4.724 million tons, becoming the eighth largest bunkering port in the world. In the first half of 2021, Zhoushan achieved 2.4415 million tons of bonded fuel oil supply, with a year-on-year increase of 21.7%, and the development’s momentum continued to improve.

   "Golden key" needs to be tempered

  According to the person who are in charge of MarineCircle’s products and are responsible for the system’s development, Zhoushan bonded bunker fuel intelligent dispatching and comprehensive service system is different from the previous government information system focusing on completing electronic declaration and approval. It is a system for the whole process management of bonded fuel oil supply and the coordinated operation of oil supply business and supervision. Its users include oil suppliers, ship agents, barges, oil depots, relevant government regulatory departments and other parties related to bonded fuel oil supply. 

  In order to realize the bonded fuel oil supply center in Northeast Asia, Zhejiang pilot free trade zone has been leading various innovations related to China's bonded fuel oil supply. Therefore, Zhoushan bonded bunker fuel intelligent dispatching and comprehensive service system is also mature and perfect in continuous exploration, research and attempt. After nearly three years of continuous iterative development, Zhoushan bonded bunker fuel oil intelligent dispatching and comprehensive service system has become a practical and professional information system, carrying the ‘intelligent supervision service of international bunker fuel oil’s bunkering in the free trade zone’, and has been selected as a major application achievement of digital reform in Zhejiang Province.

  Source:HyqFocus     Reporter:Evan Liu